Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Myers Briggs

Today I learned a lot about myself. I dont know if you have ever heard about it, but the Myers Briggs personality test is probably one of the greatest things invented... ok that may go too far, but it is pretty great if you ask me.
I have taken tons of test like this, where you learn about yourself and discover your "hidden personality traits." I always secretly thought that they were a little vain in the end, because it was just a chance to hear about yourself. I mean, I love taking them, because who doesnt like hearing about themselves from some random person. Anyways, I had a long meeting with a career councelor for work today so my partner and I could look at our myers briggs and see how our personalities fit. Before I get going, let me first say that this blog is NOT to tell everyone here what I am and all about MY personality. It is being written so that everyone who reads it will know that these things really are helpful.
To make a very long story (all about my anxiety and full Load) short, through this one test I realized how God not only works through me, but has given me the ability to juggle a lot at one, just so that I will have to run to Him with it all. I will go crazy if I dont.
So now I leave you all with this...
It is the link to take the FREE test. Once you figure out what you are (there will be some letters and numbers) write it down and then tell me. I would LOVE to walk you through it all and teach you something new about what God has for you and how you have been magnificently programmed.
Well goodnight everyone and keep me in our prayers. My "rapid eye movement" is getting pretty bad.


GeorgiaDes said...

I got ENFJ 33 38 50 56.

Taryn Faye said...

Which surprised me.

Sarah said...

emileeee! yes, i made a blog.

i took the test thing and i got ISFP. (the opposite of taryn) haha....

Taryn Faye said...

So I took the test again and I got ENTP which fits me sooooooo much more. I was actually laughing about how accurate some of it was.